Day 28 - $535

We've passed another milestone. Someone that doesn't know me donated. Actually two people that don't know me donated - and some good friends of ours. I'm impressed. Thanks to the three donations that bring us up to $535!

Just a few things I've been thinking about...

People are coming up with great ideas for fundraisers and ways to raise money for Give One Million. For the people that have told me their ideas so far - I think they are awesome. Let me know when you plan do do them, and I will post about it on this blog, so everyone can support you. And do your fundraisers sooner than later - Remember - We only have 337 days left. For those who are just recently joining the Give One Million for St. Jude cause and want to help, let me know what your idea is to raise money! It's going to take a lot of fundraisers to get to a million dollars - so I'm going to need some people to step up and help me organize some events in their city.

A big way to help is to talk to people. Send emails. Put a button on your blog. hand out some flyers (I can get some to you if you need some. I've been posting them all around my town!), write a post on your blog. Etc, etc, etc. I feel like a broken record, but I have to keep saying it: We need to spread the word. We need to reach a ton of people if this is going to work.

I joined Facebook. I've been holding out on that for some time now. But I figured that is a tool I can't pass up when it comes to getting the news out about Give One Million. If you're on Facebook, please look me up and friend me! Also become a fan of the Give One Million Facebook Page.

Do you have a service or skill you can donate? If so, we can utilize it to fight childhood cancer. You can do the service and donate the money to Give One Million for St. Jude through this blog. I.E. I used to run a window washing business when I was in college. among other things, I plan to wash windows this summer and donate all the proceeds. Can you do something similar???

And last but not least - if you're here reading this right now, please donate by clicking in the top right corner.

Thanks again to everyone for donating. And today - thanks to those people that don't know me that donated! It feels good to have family and friends support, but I know this is going to have to go beyond them. Today's donations give me the boost of confidence to know that there are people out there that will back me as I reach for this goal.


Help me reach one million in one year. Donate now!

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