Day 97 - $4,727

I received a letter from St. Jude. If you donated, you may have received the same letter... But for those of you that haven't donated yet I'll share a little bit:

In early 2006, Evans' parents were shocked to learn that their sweet 2-year-old son was suffering from acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), a dangerous form of childhood cancer. The family's pediatrician referred Evan to St. Jude form treatment right away.

At St. Jude, Evans' parents quickly learned that we were serious about beating his Cancer. His mom remembers, "As soon as Evans' doctor walked in the room and told us that Evans had ALL, I said, 'Can you treat him?' and his doctor said, 'No, we're going to cure him.' I can't tell you how it feels, as a parent of a child battling cancer, to hear those words. It is amazing."

Our doctors placed the little boy on a protocol of chemotherapy, and I have to tell you, the treatment hasn't always been easy. "The nurses told us that treating ALL is like a marathon, it's not a sprint." Evans mom says. "They said don't exhaust yourself at the beginning because it's a long process."

Today Evans is one step closer to making his doctor's promise come true -- because his cancer is in remission, and Evans is looking forward to spending this Father's Day with his dad.

This would never have been possible without the driving force behind our mission -- the generosity of good people like you. We depend on generous friends to make our lifesaving care possible, and I hope that you will keep St. Jude in your heart so that we can tell the next parents who come to us that their child's life is not over... not only are we going to treat that child -- we're going to cure them. God bless your good heart.

Pretty cool don't you think? Our goal is for a good cause people! Don't forget that! So far we've given away two shirts. I was hoping it would be more than that... But I'm thankful for the two people that did donate. Remember: If you donate $25 or more from now until July 4th I will mail you a Give One Million T-shirt. Join me in the fight against childhood cancer and donate now!

At church on Sunday our Sunday school teacher gave out some Dove chocolates. And this is what the wrapper said on the one I ate... "Jump at the chance to give!"

Well... I'm jumpin' as high as I can!

Help me reach one million in one year. Donate now!

Day 94 - $4,677

OK everyone... Here's the deal. Anyone that donates $25 or more from now until July 4th will get a Give One Million T-shirt! That's right, I will mail it right to your front door. And if you hurry, I can probably get it to you by the 4th - so you can sport it at your family/neighborhood 4th of July get together! Just think how cool everyone will think you are...

So month three is now just a memory. It was a good month though. Garage Sales, Sonic Fundraiser, a couple of articles written about GOM. We are right on track to reaching our goal. In case you missed it before... if we double our donations every month we will reach our goal. In month one we raised $600. Month two was $1,206. And for month three our goal was $2,400 - and we shattered that goal! Month three brought in $2,871!!! We beat our monthly goal by $471! Great job everyone.

Now... our goal for month four is: $4,800. We can do this! I'll need everyone's help though. If you haven't donated yet, PLEASE donate. Once you've done that PLEASE invite all your friends to donate, check out this blog and follow it, and also become a fan of the Give One Million Facebook page. Do you work somewhere that can help? Can you talk to your manager/boss to see if your company can donate or support Give One Million for St. Jude in some way? I'm hitting up all the businesses I can here in the KC area... But I'm finding, that working a full-time job sort of gets in the way :) I can only make it to a few businesses a week. I try to stop on my way home if I get off at a half way decent time - or sometimes I make some visits during my lunch break. (When I can get away on a lunch break...) So what I'm saying is: I can use all the help I can get.

I have some events coming up in the next couple months! I'll be filling you in on all the details soon - so stay tuned.

Talk Soon,


Help me reach one million in one year. Donate now!

Day 92 - $4,645

For those of you that know me... you know that my favorite band is Better Than Ezra. Ever since 1995 when I ordered Deluxe as one of the 8 free CD's I got for signing my life away to Columbia House (Don't lie... I know you signed up too!) - They have been number one on my list. I have yet to find any other band that can continue to put out such good music song after song, album after album. To my point... As you know I'm trying anything and everything to raise one million dollars for St. Jude in one year. Well, as I was driving in my car - listening to BTE - I thought, "Wouldn't it be cool if Better Than Ezra did a benefit concert for Give One Million!?!" I've spent the next few nights scouring the Internet for any way to contact them... Unsuccessfully :( So I will use the only method I have to ask - this blog. And maybe... figuratively speaking... lighting will strike. So here it goes:

Better Than Ezra (Kevin, Tom, & Michael),

Hi, my name is David Feldman. I'm a huge fan. I want to let you know about a project I'm working on; it's called Give One Million for St. Jude. I'm trying to raise one million dollars in one year for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Day one was March 25th, 2010. I was wondering if you can help me? Will you hold a benefit concert in Kansas City, MO sometime before March 25th, 2011 to help me raise money to reach my goal? Thanks for you consideration, and I hope to hear from you soon.



Well... there we have it. My official open invitation for Better Than Ezra to hold a Give One Million benefit concert. Everyone keep your fingers crossed. I'll keep this open invitation on the sidebar of the blog so BTE or anyone that knows them will be able to see it.

Help me reach one million in one year. Donate now!

Day 89 - $4,605

In addition to the Sonic Drive-In fundraiser on Saturday, my nieces had a Give One Million Lemonade stand in Vancouver! Way to go guys! They raised $30. See - It doesn't take much. If everyone does just one thing like that we can reach our goal!

On a not so great note... Sorry for the delay on Video and Pics from the Sonic fundraiser. I'm having coputer problems. My firewire port is broken on my desktop, and the charger port is broken on my laptop :( So the laptop is out of commision until I can weld the charging port back to the motherboard - and until I replace the firewire port on my desktop, I can't upload video. Those that live close beware! I may be stopping by soon, to use your computer to download my video from my camcorder :) As soon as I get something back in working condition - I'll have some SWEET GOM videos posted. I hope it's soon!

And one other story - We have a great babysitter! She does a great job with the kids, and because of her, Melissa and I actually get to go out sometimes! Well, she came to watch the kids on Saturday while we were at Sonic. When my wife took her home, she paid her as usual. Well... Our babysitter gave back half of her earnings to be donated to Give One Million for St. Jude! How cool is that??? Thanks Makala!

P.S. I still have the United Airlines $150 travel voucher... If you donate $100 to Give One Million, I will give it to you. Tell everyone you know. Also remember - we're trying to get 1,000,000 fans on Facebook. Be sure to keep inviting all your friends to "like" the page. If we get a million fans on Facebook, and everyone donates just one dollar - we reach our goal!!!

Help me reach one million in one year. Donate now!

Day 87 - $4,605

Good Friends, Good Cause, Good Day!

Today was the big Sonic Drive-In/Give One Million fundraiser, and with the help of some great people we earned $663.84! Huge thanks you everyone who volunteered! And a big thanks to everyone that stopped by and donated. The day started off well because of a very generous $200 donation. (you know who you are - Thank You!) Here is a picture of most of the crew. I'm dead tired, and don't have enough time to post all the pics tonight. I'll be posting more pics and video in the next day or so.

Help me reach one million in one year. Donate now!

Day 86 - $3,922

Another $25 donation today! Big Thanks to you for that. Well, tomorrow is the big Sonic Drive-In day. If you are anywhere remotely close to the KC area - come have a burger and support Give One Million. Well be there from 10-4. The address is 1408 S HWY 7, Blue Springs MO.

Another article came out about Give One Million!!! This time in the local paper here in the Blue Springs/Independence/Grain Valley area called the Examiner. Here's the link:

Take a look, and pass it on to all your friends or post it on your Facebook. Do you have a local paper where you live? If you do, send them an email about Give One Million for St. Jude for me. Maybe they will write an article as well! That would be a big help, and a great way to help tell the world about Give One Million!

See everyone tomorrow - and for those that can't make it - we'll take some pics and post them for you :)

Thanks for the support everyone!


Help me reach one million in one year. Donate now!

Day 84 - $3,887

The T-shirts finally made it Kansas City! J was so excited he's wearing his to bed tonight.

Sometimes people ask me why I'm doing this. Well I've been thinking a lot about that and I've come to this conclusion: Why not do this??? Why wouldn't I do everything I can to help the kids and families at St. Jude. They are fighting for their lives - and when I think about it, I just keep thinking... why I wouldn't help!

The push to get 1,000,000 fans on Facebook is doing better. (The reasoning behind that is: If we can get 1,000,000 people to be fans on Facebook, and everyone donates a dollar - we will reach our goal!) I'll be honest, sometimes I wonder if anyone out there is listening or cares about Give One Million. But it seems like whenever I'm feeling like nobody cares about what we're doing here - That's when good news comes. Someone donates, or someone becomes a fan on Facebook, or someone emails me about how they are helping. So for all of you out there that are helping me reach the goal of one million in one year for St. Jude - THANK YOU!

Now a few items of business...

Have you invited your friends to follow the Give One Million page on Facebook yet? If not, what are you waiting for?

Do you have a blog or google account? Follow this blog!!!! See those 15 little pictures down on the left side? That's where you sign up!

For all of you in the KC area - don't forget to come support us at Sonic Drive-In on Saturday from 10-4. It's the Sonic on south route 7 in Blue Springs, MO.

And last... Donate now! I know there are a lot of people out there that are reading this and have great intentions. I hear things like, "Oh yea, I've been meaning to donate - I'll do that tonight" or "This is awesome what you're doing. I'd love to help! I'll check out the blog" We all mean to do well. But I know how it works because I'm the same way. I say I'm going to do something - and I truely mean to, but I get distracted or sidetracked, and before I know it, it's been two weeks, and I still haven't done it. That's why I'm saying DO IT NOW! don't wait. If you don't do it now you'll forget.

Now that Sonic is almost past us, I'll start working on my next big fundraiser. I'm hoping to pull something together for the 4th of July. But for now - it's late. Time to hit the sack.

Talk Soon,


Help me reach one million in one year. Donate now!

Day 82 - $3,862

We had another Give One Million Garage Sale. This time some good friends teamed up with my mom and sis to raise the money and help fight cancer. Thank You! I know you're thinking it... and yes those are the official Give One Million T-shirts. They look pretty sweet don't they. I will be letting you know what the plan is with those later this week, so stay tuned!

I mentioned last post that I was on a business trip last week. On my way home the plane in Las Vegas was running a little late, and I was "lucky" enough to miss my connection in Denver. Well, since I had to spend an extra 5 hours sitting around in the Denver airport waiting for my flight back to KC - the airline was nice enough to give me a little compensation for my time.

I hold in my hand a $150 travel voucher that can be applied toward the purchase of any United Airlines ticket. It is fully transferable.

So here's the deal...

Are you planning a trip any time soon? Do you need to fly anywhere in the next year? Well - if you donate $100 (OBO) to Give One Million for St. Jude, I will give you the United Airlines Travel Voucher. If you're interested, email me with an offer.

Keep up the Facebook invites. Since I posted about trying to get 1,000,000 fans for the Give One Million page we increased our fans by 4. I was hoping for a little better response. Can someone please help me out with that ?!?!. All it takes is one invite to your friend list. Come on... It's for a good cause :)
Today, I was on the phone with St. Jude, and they put me on hold for a minute while they were getting some answers to questions. Well - when you're on hold they have patients and parents of patients telling how St. Jude has/is helping them in their fight against pediatric cancer. I'm telling you people... what we are doing here is very appreciated. When you donate to St. Jude you are literally helping a child survive cancer - and they are very grateful! (wouldn't you be if your child had cancer, and someone offered to help you???)
I think everyone that's reading this maybe forgets where exactly this money is going - because I'm not posting pictures and stories of the patients at St. Jude every day to remind you... but let me tell you this: If you just take a few minutes and look at where your Give One Million donations are going - you will realize there is nothing better you could do with your money. Help me help them! Donate today!!!
Talk Soon,

Help me reach one million in one year. Donate now!

Day 80 - $3,491

Sorry it's been so long. I had to take a business trip to Las Vegas. I was really excited to tell everyone about Give One Million there, but it didn't go as well as I had hoped. I never really had much time to get away and do anything, and considering what is generally handed out to people on the strip, I didn't want to stand out there handing out flyers. So I was a little disappointed that I didn't get to do much, but I did talk to a few people - so it wasn't a total loss of time. I just keep my fingers crossed, that maybe someday soon I'll talk to that "one" person - who know's so and so... who knows so and so... who has all sorts of connections, that can tell the whole world about Give One Million.

Thanks for the donations that came in while I was gone. We're still moving forward. We're up to almost $3,500 in the fight against childhood cancer. Everyone should be proud of that.

So I want to talk about a new focus I want to add to our goal. It has to do with Facebook. When I started a Facebook page to promote GOM, I was pleasently surprised at how well Facebook does for getting the word out. So it got me thinking... Since Facebook seems to be going so well, maybe I should run with that in some way... maybe I can utilize it more... Well, this is what I want to do. If we can get one million people to "like" the GOM page on Facebook before the end of the year - everyone can donate one dollar - and BAM! We reached one million in one year for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital! So here's the plan: right now we have 150 fans on Facebook. I need everyone to invite all their friend, family, co-workers, neighbors, long lost cousins, etc to be a fan of Give One Million on Facebook. If you are on Facebook, and not a fan yet - just click on the link to the right, and become a fan. Just think... if we can get a million fans on Facebook - we can easily reach our goal.

OK, so one last time... here's your homework:
1. Donate! If you haven't donated yet... Come on... Just do it. It doesn't matter how much!
2. Tell all your friends to check out, and tell them to donate!
3. Help me organize an event in your area for Give One Million!
4. Last, but not least... BECOME A FAN ON FACEBOOK, AND INVITE ALL YOUR FRIENDS TO BECOME A FAN AS WELL!!!!!!!!!! 1,000,000 fans or bust!!!!!

We can do this everyone! We can do it!

Help me reach one million in one year. Donate now!

Day 75 - $3,431

Hey everyone! I wanted to post this yesterday, but blogger was down. So without further delay, here’s a big shout out to the Give One Million supporters in P-town (Portland)! My sister’s husband’s brother (I think I said that right…) is PUMPED about Give One Million! He’s “feeling inspired!” He, his wife, and family held a Give One Million garage sale in Vancouver, Washington! My sisters contributed some of their old stuff as well, and altogether they raised $661! Here are some pics from the event:

Yea! That's right!

Ever wonder what it looks like to fight cancer? Well folks.... you're lookin' at it!

The Give One Million dream team!

I need to send big thanks to my brother’s wife’s mom and husband (I think I said that one right too…) Their support means a lot.

So, I picked up the 1200 flyers for the Sonic event coming up. I’m working on the Give One Million banner, and Give One Million T-shirts. I try to send at least a couple emails a day to “people” asking for their help and support. I’m trying to start thinking ahead and planning some events for 5-6 months from now. So they can be big. I’m trying to think big. That’s one thing I keep telling myself, “don’t hold back. Don’t think anything or anyone is too big for this.” We are well on our way to meeting our month three goal of $2,400. So everyone keep the donations coming in. P.S. I need some help… anyone want to organize a Give One Million fundraiser in your city???

Help me reach one million in one year. Donate now!

Day 71 - $2,259

I'd like to introduce you to a couple of my biggest supporters...

I'll start by telling you about two donations that came in today.

First - My niece is a great babysitter, so when her mom and dad had some friends come into town and wanted to go see a show (They live in NYC), my niece was asked to watch their friends baby. Well of coarse she did a great job, and was paid accordingly. Now here's the good part: When she got home guess what she told my brother and sister-in-law... " I want to donate the money I earned tonight to Give One Million for St. Jude!" I was blown away when they told me that! My 12 year old niece donated $40 today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a nephew that is equally as awesome! He wanted to help raise money for the kids at St. Jude as well, so this is what he did:

He just so happen to lose a tooth and was expecting a visit from the Tooth Fairy. Ever the shrewd businessman - I like to think he gets it from his uncle :) - he asked his parents, " If I donate the money that I get from the Tooth Fairy, will you match it?" When his parents agreed, he was off to bed saying, "I hope the Tooth Fairy gives me lots of money for my tooth so I can donate it to St. Jude!" Well... In the morning, the Tooth Fairy had tripled the one dollar she normally leaves for their teeth! His parents matched it for a grand total donation of six dollars!!!!!

These two are an example to me! The enthusiasm they have to support Give One Million and give basically everything they have to help the sick kids at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is inspiring. From the moment they learned about Give One Million they were on board! I hope we can all be the same way. Donate today!

Help me reach one million in one year. Donate now!

Day 70 - $2,188

Wow! Thanks everyone for all the donations yesterday! We had about $288 donated! Also, thank you everyone for your support and ideas. More and more people are supporting Give One Million every day. We can do this!!! Melissa is taking some envelopes across state lines today. More details to come on everything else that's happening...

Help me reach one million in one year. Donate now!

Day 69 - $1,901

Well... I knew this was going to be a roller coaster! Today was a great day for Give One Million! (So far most days have been great days!)

A couple big Thank You's are needed...

First, a big thanks to my Auntie Dee Dee and Uncle Vince for their support on the Give One Million T-shirts. They've been helping out a ton with them, and they will be available shortly. So if you need any screen printing or that sort of thing done - they are definitely the ones to go to! I added them to the sponsor list below for all the time, effort, and money they are putting into helping Give One Million. Check em out!

Second, another big thanks to Dr. Sean Rogan at Midwest Chiropractic and Sports Medicine! Because of his generous donation - we will soon have a Give One Million banner printed up. This will be great for all the events coming up throughout the year, and definitely help us get some attention/donations. You'll see pics of the banner when we have our Sonic Drive-In fundraiser on June 19th. I also added Midwest Chiropractic to the sponsor section - if you live in the KC area you should definitely check them out.

Third, I need to give a big shout out to my friend Lynzie and everyone at the Paul Mitchell School in Rexburg, ID. They are planning a Give One Million for St. Jude fundraiser for sometime in July. I'll keep you posted on the details. Thanks Lynzie!

Fourth, Thank you for the online donations today! We are almost to $2,000 folks. Not too shabby...

And last, but not least...

LDSLiving Magazine called me a week or so ago to do an interview about Give One Million - and they published an article on their website today!!! CLICK HERE to read it!

There is a lot going on... and it's only going to go up from here! Like always - If you're new here, please add this to the list of blogs you follow. Follow Give One Million for St. Jude on Facebook and Twitter. Add a button to your blog. Watch the video I made for Ellen DeGeneres. And last - don't wait!!! Donate today, and tell your friends and family to do the same. So far, we've made a $1,901 difference in the fight against cancer. With your help (yep, you reading this right now!) we can make a million dollar difference in the fight against cancer!

Talk Soon,


P.S. Feel free to email me or leave a comment if you want to help us reach a million dollars in one year by organizing an event in your area. I need all the help I can get :)

Help me reach one million in one year. Donate now!