Day 84 - $3,887

The T-shirts finally made it Kansas City! J was so excited he's wearing his to bed tonight.

Sometimes people ask me why I'm doing this. Well I've been thinking a lot about that and I've come to this conclusion: Why not do this??? Why wouldn't I do everything I can to help the kids and families at St. Jude. They are fighting for their lives - and when I think about it, I just keep thinking... why I wouldn't help!

The push to get 1,000,000 fans on Facebook is doing better. (The reasoning behind that is: If we can get 1,000,000 people to be fans on Facebook, and everyone donates a dollar - we will reach our goal!) I'll be honest, sometimes I wonder if anyone out there is listening or cares about Give One Million. But it seems like whenever I'm feeling like nobody cares about what we're doing here - That's when good news comes. Someone donates, or someone becomes a fan on Facebook, or someone emails me about how they are helping. So for all of you out there that are helping me reach the goal of one million in one year for St. Jude - THANK YOU!

Now a few items of business...

Have you invited your friends to follow the Give One Million page on Facebook yet? If not, what are you waiting for?

Do you have a blog or google account? Follow this blog!!!! See those 15 little pictures down on the left side? That's where you sign up!

For all of you in the KC area - don't forget to come support us at Sonic Drive-In on Saturday from 10-4. It's the Sonic on south route 7 in Blue Springs, MO.

And last... Donate now! I know there are a lot of people out there that are reading this and have great intentions. I hear things like, "Oh yea, I've been meaning to donate - I'll do that tonight" or "This is awesome what you're doing. I'd love to help! I'll check out the blog" We all mean to do well. But I know how it works because I'm the same way. I say I'm going to do something - and I truely mean to, but I get distracted or sidetracked, and before I know it, it's been two weeks, and I still haven't done it. That's why I'm saying DO IT NOW! don't wait. If you don't do it now you'll forget.

Now that Sonic is almost past us, I'll start working on my next big fundraiser. I'm hoping to pull something together for the 4th of July. But for now - it's late. Time to hit the sack.

Talk Soon,


Help me reach one million in one year. Donate now!

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