Day 252 - $13,026

We sold a football! The multiple signature football is sold, but the Jonny Harline footballs are still left for sale. ALL proceeds to to Give One Million for St. Jude and count toward our million dollar goal.

Thanks to all our good friends who are supporting us and donating. Maybe people don't realize it... but it literally makes my day when I see a donation has come in! I know that may sound funny - because, it's not like any of this money is going to me or anything... but I guess it's just the fact that we are putting so much time and effort into reaching this goal. It just feels good to know friends/people out there support us and what we are trying to do for the kids of St. Jude :)

So in about two weeks we'll be to the 100 days left mark. Can you believe it!?!?! Everyone please keep doing what you can to spread the word about GOM. Become a follower of this blog. Become a fan on FB and Twitter. Email your friends. Organize an event in your area. I'm working on organizing events here in KC... but I need other people to just organize events and take care of everything and just donate the money. That's our only hope. I kind of sounded like Princess Leia there didn't I? :)

Anyway... Thanks again to everyone. I just got news today as well that Kohl's put the $500 check in the mail. So that should be hitting here in a week or two as well. Things are looking up everyone! Let's just stay with this a little longer. Something big may happen tomorrow - and maybe we'll be at a million!

Oh yea... and dont forget!!!:

The Greater Idaho Falls Association of Realtors Holiday Open House and it will be on Friday December 3rd from 6pm-10pm at the Shilo Inn. The Ticket cost is $17.00 and a dollar seventy of each ticket will be donated to the Give One Million for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital fund.


Help me reach one million in one year. Donate now!

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