Day 303 - $16,272

Well I did it. 26 miles. I started at 7:30 AM and walked until 5 PM. I had a little run in with mall security at mile 23. I ended up having to move my walk-a-thon to a local track for the last 3 miles, but it all ended OK.
Melissa, J, and Tiny came to visit me for lunch (see pic above of me eating pear.)
Everyone walked with me for a little while. It was nice to have some company! Walking for 9 hours can get a little boring. Even with an ipod :)
So according to my calculations we earned the following today
$70 x 26 miles = $1,820
+ $120 in pledges for the walk
+ $14 in donations from mall goers
= $1,954 total raised today!!
(Anyone want to donate $46 to make it an even $2,000???)
So my legs are extremely sore. I'm tired. It's time to get a good nights rest.
Good Night!
p.s. For those of you that sponsored the walk. I'll be sending out an email in the next day or so with details on how to donate. THANKS EVERYONE!

Help me reach one million in one year. Donate now!

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