Day 322 - $18,625

Well, we made it to 700 fans for one day, but now we're back down to 699. I saw that we were up to 700 last night, and I was so excited. I came home tonight and even googled how to spell Hallelujah so I could show how excited I was on my blog and FB. Well, when I went to FB we were back down to 699. No worries though. We'll get there soon, and I'll save my Hallelujah for then :)

I've been staying up waaaaayyy too late the last few nights working on my next video. I finally finished with the audio portion of it, now I have to film it! So this is the official call for extras. I'm going to need some extras to film this video - so if you're interested please email me at

I'm getting a little nervous. I was talking to a friend today, and he was asking me how much longer I had left on GOM... And when I was telling him - it hit me that we really don't have that much time left!!!! We need to sprint the last little bit of this "race" everyone! Send all your friends emails. Email every person you can think of, and ask them to help us raise money for St. Jude somehow! Organize an event. Post on your blog. Just do anything these last few days! We can do this. It's not over til it's over!

Help me reach one million in one year. Donate now!

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